Planting Instructions
What you'll need
- A Shovel
- 3 in 1 Soil Mix
- Root Booster or Bone Meal
- Mulch
- Dig hole twice the width of the container.
- Remove the plastic container and twine before planting. Fibre container should be sliced on the sides and top rim removed (do not disturb the root system).
- Set the ball of the plant so the top of the ball is slightly above ground level.
- Fill hole with a planting mixture consisting of 50% native soil and 50% 3 in 1 Soil Mix.
- If using Bone Meal, apply the appropriate amount (according to label) around the plant. Mix into the top layer of soil. Soak the plant thoroughly to eliminate air pockets.
- If using Root Booster, mix with water according to the label and soak the plant thoroughly to eliminate air pockets.
- Cover the area with 2-3” of mulch, leaving 2” around the trunk free of mulch.
Nursery Stock
- Give tree, shrub or evergreen a thorough soaking with water after planting.
- Water deeply once a week in cool weather. In hot or windy conditions water twice a week or as needed.
- Water weekly until the ground feezes.
- Give perennials a thorough soaking with water after planting
- Water every second or third day until established.
Annual Containers
- Check containers daily and water until water runs through the drainage holes in the pot.
- Fertilize every third watering.